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Saturday, September 30th 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

cancelled event

Scraping the paint.
Climate activism beyond appearances


Event Information


_Andrea Giorgio, Councillor for Environment, Municipality of Florence


_Ferdinando Cotugno, journalist at Domani
_Michele D’Alena, co-founder Ti Candido
_Alice Franchi, Fridays For Future
_Lorenzo Ci, Transistor - Rinascimento Green
_Giordano Cavini Casalini, Ultima Generazione Activist (connected online)

Moderator: Clara Pogliani, Ci sarà un bel clima

In recent years, Italy has been the scene of some of the largest mobilizations for the climate cause. The Fridays For Future strikes as well as the civil disobedience actions of Extinction Rebellion and Ultima Generazione have involved thousands of citizens and animated intense debate about methods and motivations.

Who are the protagonists and leaders of these mobilizations? Why have they adopted certain methodologies of public outreach? What is the transformative role of activism?

A talk to learn about climate activism and to understand why the climate crisis is the greatest challenge of everyone's present.





Curated by


Clara Pogliani

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James T. Kirk
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James T. Kirk
VP of Statistical Analysis + Data Reconfiguration

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Session Title Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

James T. Kirk
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